The Ecstatic Lament of the Shepherd
There is a time, out in the pasture,
(maybe dusk, maybe dawn,
one can’t be sure)
when the tide of this world goes out
and the Other-world washes in like a wave,
lapping rhythmically at the Shepherd’s feet.
Immersed in a green trance
she sees her soul shining back
in a single sheep’s eye.
With a Delphic smile
she remembers humankind is not the true shepherd,
but it is us—clan-hungry, earth-bound—
who become part of the flock that we tend.
transcending the boundaries of species
finding what is called ‘mammalian resonance.’
As we tend our sheep, it is our hearts and minds that are tended in return
like children dozing to an ancient lullaby.
For a time, inverting roles
Mother Earth submits herself to the shepherd.
Her rocks become bones and hooves,
her soil becomes wool and flesh,
her water becomes blood.
And for a time, we protect her
—the Dark Mother with her life-extinguishing embrace—
now she is the lamb.
She allows us to hold her
and our hearts break daily because we must slay what we love
while the Great Mother seems do to it with such ease.
For a short time
When we are shepherds
She gives us the great gift
of imitating her.