So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
field philosophy, essays, animal tracking, cognitive & sensory ecology, community science
please contact for a complete and updated CV
Objective: Investigating the animality of knowledge, meaning-making, & place-making through studying mapping behaviors like spoor recognition from a comparative cognition/new ethology perspectives. I’m also interested in the role visual wildlife tracking has in conservation, environmental education, and human-animal relations.
MA Claremont Graduate University, Religious Studies - 2013
Thesis: Mary as The Meeting Place: Typologies of Sacred Space and Place in a Syriac Pentecost
BA University of Vermont, Major in Religious Studies, minor in Animal Science - 2010
Additional Research Interests & Influences
Cultural History, Environmental Philosophy, Biosemiotics, Animal & Human Geography, Movement Ecology, Ruminant Ecology, Ethnobiology, Hellenic Studies, Queer & Trans Studies, Comparative Cognition, Sensory and cognitive ecology
Professional Certificates
Track & Sign Specialist - November 2021 - Cybertracker Conservation
Remote EMT - May 2017 - Remote Medical Training
Professional Experience
Queer Nature LLC - Co-founder - 2015-Present
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education - Adjunct Faculty/Guest Instructor - 2019-2020*
*(In-Person Curricula for Weaving Earth’s Yearlong Immersion—the program at which I teach—has been paused during the pandemic but is expected to resume)
Colorado College - Guest Instructor/Teacher-in-Residence
Select Publications and Presentations
Beyond the Human - Essay co-authored in Atmos Magazine - 2022
Restor(y)ing Place: Tracking and the Necessity of Ecological Intimacy (DK Press) - Essay in Nature is a Human Right - 2022
Multi-Species Animisms through the Lens of Wildlife Tracking - Keynote (co-presenter), North American Rewilding Conference - 2021
Eco-Mysticism for Apocalyptic Times - Essay co-authored in Loam Magazine - 2020
Tracking as a Way of Knowing - Essay in Written River - 2016
The Spiritual Ecology of the Shepherd - Essay in The Wayfarer - 2015
Other Appearances / Mixed Media
Queer Stealthcraft - Virtual Workshop Guggenheim H.O.R.I.Z.O.N. Exhibit Academic Conferences
38th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference (Presenter)
39th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference (Presenter)
Research & Volunteer
Team Leader - Community Wildlife Monitoring Project (Washington) - Winter 2021–Present
I lead a team of volunteers to find and record wildlife tracks along designated transects along the I-90 corridor.
Other Relevant Education (Non-accredited)
Wilderness Awareness School - Yearlong Immersion Program 2013-14
Roots School - Wilderness Survival Immersion Project 2010-11